LUM Jean Monnet
Casamassima, Bari, Italy
Francesco Alicino is Full Professor in Public Law and Religion and Constitutional Law at the University of LUM Jean Monnet (Casamassima, Bari, Italy), where is also teach Constitutional Law and the Law of the Third Sector.
He is also Professor at the MISLAM (Academic Master) of the School of Government (LUISS “Guido Carli”, Rome).
He is a member of the academic staff of the Institute of S. Pio V. (Rome). He is a member of the EUREL (Sociological and Legal Data on Religions in Europe.
He was a consultant for the Tribunal of Bari (Italy) section of preventive measures for the religion-inspired terrorism.
In the 2009 he took the PHD at the “école doctorale en droit” (University Aix-Marseille III, Paul Cézanne, France).
He is member of the Committee for Bioethics, Research Integrity e Sustainable Food, which is based on the Italian National Research Council (CNR).
He is Docteur en DROIT at the École doctorale of the University of Paul Cézanne Aix-Marseille III (Aix-en-Provence, France).
In 2008 he took the Ph.D in Formation doctorale européenne en droit canonique et droit des relations religions Etats/European Studies in Canon Law and Law of State-Religions Relations at the University of Paris-Sud 11 and Catholic Institute of Paris (France).
In the 2004 he obtained a post in a PHD course in Institutions and Comparative Politics at the University of Bari (Italy), resulting first in the relating competitive examination; he took the PHD in 2008.
He is a reviewer for international journals and has been involved in several international conferences and in international and national research projects.
He is the author of several books and articles in English, Italian and French.
His recent publications include: The Italian Legal System and Imams: A difficult Relationship, in M. Hashas, J.J. de Ruiter, N. Valdemar Vinding (eds.), Imams in Western Europe.
Developments, Transformations, and Institutional Challenges, Amsterdam University Press, 2018; Freedom of Expression, Laïcité, and Islam in France: The Tension between Two Different (Universal) Perspectives, in Islam and Christian-Muslim relations, 2015; Morocco: An Islamic Globalizing Monarchy within the Elusive Phenomenon of Arab Spring, in Oriente Moderno, 2015; Religion and Sustainable Food in the Age of Consumer Culture, in Review of studies on sustainability, 2014; The Place of Minority Religions and the Strategy of Major Denominations. The Case Of Italy, in RIVISTA AIC, vol. 2, p. 1-20; Il costituzionalismo di fronte all’Islam.
Giurisdizioni alternative nelle società multiculturali, Bordeaux Editoriale, 2016; La legislazione sulla base di intesa.
I test delle religioni “altre” e degli ateismi, Cacucci, 2013; I diritti umani nel mondo globale.
Tradizioni religiose, tradizioni costituzionali e Mare nostrum, Editoriale Scientifica, 2016; Libertà religiosa, in QUESTIONE GIUSTIZIA, vol. Speciale “La Corte di Strasburgo”, aprile 2019; Lo Stato laico costituzionale di diritto di fronte all’emergenza del terrorismo islamista, in R. Martino, F. Alicino, A. Barone (eds.), L’impatto delle situazioni di urgenza delle attività umane regolate dal diritto, Giuffrè, 2017.
Casamassima, Bari, Italy
Francesco Alicino is Full Professor in Public Law and Religion and Constitutional Law at the University of LUM Jean Monnet (Casamassima, Bari, Italy), where is also teach Constitutional Law and the Law of the Third Sector.
He is also Professor at the MISLAM (Academic Master) of the School of Government (LUISS “Guido Carli”, Rome).
He is a member of the academic staff of the Institute of S. Pio V. (Rome). He is a member of the EUREL (Sociological and Legal Data on Religions in Europe.
He was a consultant for the Tribunal of Bari (Italy) section of preventive measures for the religion-inspired terrorism.
In the 2009 he took the PHD at the “école doctorale en droit” (University Aix-Marseille III, Paul Cézanne, France).
He is member of the Committee for Bioethics, Research Integrity e Sustainable Food, which is based on the Italian National Research Council (CNR).
He is Docteur en DROIT at the École doctorale of the University of Paul Cézanne Aix-Marseille III (Aix-en-Provence, France).
In 2008 he took the Ph.D in Formation doctorale européenne en droit canonique et droit des relations religions Etats/European Studies in Canon Law and Law of State-Religions Relations at the University of Paris-Sud 11 and Catholic Institute of Paris (France).
In the 2004 he obtained a post in a PHD course in Institutions and Comparative Politics at the University of Bari (Italy), resulting first in the relating competitive examination; he took the PHD in 2008.
He is a reviewer for international journals and has been involved in several international conferences and in international and national research projects.
He is the author of several books and articles in English, Italian and French.
His recent publications include: The Italian Legal System and Imams: A difficult Relationship, in M. Hashas, J.J. de Ruiter, N. Valdemar Vinding (eds.), Imams in Western Europe.
Developments, Transformations, and Institutional Challenges, Amsterdam University Press, 2018; Freedom of Expression, Laïcité, and Islam in France: The Tension between Two Different (Universal) Perspectives, in Islam and Christian-Muslim relations, 2015; Morocco: An Islamic Globalizing Monarchy within the Elusive Phenomenon of Arab Spring, in Oriente Moderno, 2015; Religion and Sustainable Food in the Age of Consumer Culture, in Review of studies on sustainability, 2014; The Place of Minority Religions and the Strategy of Major Denominations. The Case Of Italy, in RIVISTA AIC, vol. 2, p. 1-20; Il costituzionalismo di fronte all’Islam.
Giurisdizioni alternative nelle società multiculturali, Bordeaux Editoriale, 2016; La legislazione sulla base di intesa.
I test delle religioni “altre” e degli ateismi, Cacucci, 2013; I diritti umani nel mondo globale.
Tradizioni religiose, tradizioni costituzionali e Mare nostrum, Editoriale Scientifica, 2016; Libertà religiosa, in QUESTIONE GIUSTIZIA, vol. Speciale “La Corte di Strasburgo”, aprile 2019; Lo Stato laico costituzionale di diritto di fronte all’emergenza del terrorismo islamista, in R. Martino, F. Alicino, A. Barone (eds.), L’impatto delle situazioni di urgenza delle attività umane regolate dal diritto, Giuffrè, 2017.
february, 2025